How Content Creation Differs From Outbound Marketing Strategies

Content Marketing

How Content Creation Differs From Outbound Marketing Strategies

Enter content marketing. Content marketing is an interactive marketing strategy focused on creating and circulating valuable, relevant, and regular content that engages with and influences a clearly identified customer base to drive profitable consumer behavior and, in turn, to develop and maintain a clear understanding of brand goals and objectives. Unlike advertising, which usually relies on the ability to spot a big sale, content marketing focuses on the ability to create and deliver content that retains and develops with the readers/viewers over time. With this, content marketers have the ability to leverage their SEO / SMO efforts through the mediums of the Internet, blogs, magazines, TV, radio, etc.

Inbound marketing strategies refer to the creation of leads by content creation. Content marketers have developed specific tools and techniques in order to produce quality inbound marketing strategies that convert into effective and targeted leads. For instance, using Google AdWords can help generate quality inbound marketing strategies for websites with a strong presence in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) niche. By focusing on specific keywords or keyword phrases that target prospects in the right market segment, you are more likely to generate quality inbound marketing strategies that convert into targeted leads. This is because these prospects already have an interest in the products or services that your website offers and, as such, will be highly receptive to your message and to the offers on your website.

For example, if your website sells baby gifts, you can create specific landing pages that are related to baby gifts. As soon as someone types in “baby gifts” in the search engine, you can see how websites in the related niche are ranked. As a result, when people browse through your website, they will come across one or more of your specific landing pages that best fits the needs that they have identified in the search engine results. You can then use inbound marketing techniques to persuade these people to take up your offer.

Another advantage that comes from the combination of content marketing and traditional marketing is that content marketing provides highly measurable outcomes. For example, you may notice that it takes longer to get people to purchase the products and services that you offer than it does to simply advertise your products in the traditional marketing environment. Content marketing provides highly measurable results because customers are given a chance to opt-in to receive additional information or to subscribe to your RSS feeds. They are provided this opportunity regardless of whether they are actively searching for a product or service on the Internet. If your content marketing campaign only has one conversion, it is likely that the customer was not looking for your product, and he or she clicked on the link in the squeeze page because he or she was in a hurry or had other pressing matters that needed to be addressed.

Finally, content marketing strategies provide highly measurable results because you can easily measure the success of your campaign. As soon as you realize that your website converts at a higher rate than your competition, you will be able to calculate the ROI of your marketing strategy. In most cases, if you have been employing various strategies to bring targeted leads to your site, you will easily be able to calculate the ROI of those strategies. Thus, content marketing provides highly effective results.

It is important that you understand the differences between inbound and outbound marketing when it comes to creating online businesses. Outbound methods involve techniques such as SEO, email campaigns, social media engagement, pay per click advertising and more. On the other hand, inbound methods include things like article creation, blogs, press releases and more. As a business owner, it is important that you create an inbound marketing strategy that uses content production, as well as outbound techniques such as SEO, email marketing and social media engagement.